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Book Monique To Speak At Your Event

Monique is available for speaking engagements to include keynotes, panel presentations, and breakout sessions, and is also available for radio show segments and podcast episodes. You can also hire Monique for organizational training and executive leadership coaching and consulting.

Signature Talks

Anti-racism At Work

Being motivated and activated by Black pain and suffering is not sustainable. We must go beyond this and commit to liberation. In this discussion, Monique lays out the guiding principles for engaging in anti-racism. Topics include introduction to anti-racism in the workplace, commit to anti-racism in the workplace, and anti-racism 101.

Confidence Through Inner Work

Humbling ourselves to fit into another person's mold is a trap. In this masterclass, Monique shares what confidence really is, common things we do to sabotage our confidence, strategies to build confidence, and steps to repair it when we lose our confidence.

relating to others

Relationships (marriage, motherhood, friendship)

Friendship: A intensive webinar where we will explore the dynamics of friendship breakups, how the myth of white supremacy is ruining your friendships, how to move on, and more.

Motherhood: This 2-hour class for parents, caregivers, and educators providing insight and guidance on how to teach children to commit to anti-racism. Topics include introduction to information, strategies needed for children to engage in anti-racism conversation, how to divest from white supremacist parenting, and more.

Marriage: Explore love in a way that is more charismatic, more free flowing. In this talk, we discuss intimate relationships, being vulnerable, and love that liberation.

Monique Melton went viral in 2020 when a sense of urgency was created following nationalized news of more Black death. She believes Dismantling systems of oppression shouldn’t be a hashtag or a trend; it should be a regular, ongoing pursuit.

“I’ve worked with thousands of people all around the world and one thing I know is that doing this work is hard. I know that folks are opting out of this work because they can and because they don’t want to do the work, but there’s more to it than this. I believe there are some folks who believe that change is necessary and will make the commitment to do the work for that change. I believe there are far more folks who also desire to see change”
— Monique Melton